Thursday, September 30, 2010

Dream Big

Hi friends,

Today I completed a couple challenges from a few days ago.  The September 28th challenge was to find a way to serve one person who would be among the forgotten in my town.  I really didn't have to look any further than an elderly lady next door.  I've never met her before, but seen her go in and out of her garage with her car.  I don't see any family or anyone come over, except her son every once in a while to mow the yard or fix something.  Our elderly neighbor lady appears to be forgotten.  So...I decided to go over to her house with Janna and bring her a gift basket and say hello.  Here's what the gift basket looked like:
So we took the gift basket over to our neighbor's house, but she wasn't home so we left a note with the basket saying hello.  I'm hoping we can say hello in person sometime soon. 

Yesterday...I mentioned that my challenge was to restore something.  I chose to restore a corner of a wall in my house that had been damaged when I moved the couch a while ago.  But...I got out the spackling to repair the wall and it was hard and moldy. I got some new spackling at the store to tackle this challenge.  Here is what the wall looked like before:
It was a pretty nice hole in the wall.  So tonight I attempted to restore and here's what it looked like when I was done:
It looks much, much better.  It was a kind of messy job with the spackling and paint.  Restoring this wall got me thinking about how God restores us.  Jesus Christ came to the earth and got "messy" and lived among us, died for our sins and rose to new life.  I'm always amazed how much God loves us and all of His creation.  I'm so glad Jesus Christ fills all the holes in my life as I'm in a relationship with him.  What hole are you experiencing that the Lord could fill?

Finally, today's challenge is the last challenge of the month.  All month the theme of each challenge has been centered around discovering "restoration" that God brings through various daily tasks and challenges.  The final challenge today was to think about how I could bring restoration to my neighborhood, my school and even the world.  Then to think about who could help me make these dreams a reality.

This is a challenging subject...even daunting at times.  I guess a simple answer to bringing restoration to any of these areas for me is to open my eyes to people around me.  One thing that the Credo Challenge has helped me to do this month is open my eyes to small, ordinary ways I can "be the change."  The challenge has also helped me create space in my life to "be the change."  Often times I'm so busy running from here to there that I miss the small ways I can "be the change."  Creating space to "be the change" has been a very restorative thing in my life this month.  It's given me more time to reflect on my relationship with the Lord and I've had to pray about some of these challenges because...they were tough at times and I knew I couldn't do it in my own strength. 

I also realized that the people who could help me bring restoration to the world in Jesus Christ are...

...the people around me.

Tomorrow is October...but this past month of September has been a special time growing in small ways spiritually taking the Credo challenge.  Tomorrow I'd like to share a few ways it's helped me grow spiritually.

Till Tomorrow...Tom

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Restore Something

Hi friends,

Today's challenge was to look for an area of my house or garage that needs restoration and restore it.  I've chosen to restore a corner portion of a wall in my house.  Janna and I were moving our couch one day into another room in our house and we hit the wall and put a dent into it.  It needs restored.

So tonight I set out to restore the corner of the wall and opened the spackling to patch the hole and it was all dried up and moldy.  Who knew spackling spoiled? LOL!  Also, I left my camera at church tonight so I couldn't take a before or after picture. 

So tomorrow I'll be working on restoring the corner of the wall after I get some new spackling and pick up my camera.  Looks like tomorrow I'll be working on a few Credo challenges.

Hope tomorrows more promising than today for these Credo challenges.  The last couple of days have been difficult. 

Till Tomorrow...Tom

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Forgotten

Hi friends,

Today was a super stressful day with a lot of meetings beginning at 7 a.m. today and finishing tonight at about 9 p.m.  Today's challenge was to find a way to serve one person who would be among the forgotten by sitting and listening to them or bringing them a meal.  Needless to say I didn't accomplish this today, but have my eye open for a person God puts in my path that would be considered forgotten.  I'm hoping to do this tomorrow or Thursday.  

Any ideas for forgotten people that I might serve in general?  Thanks for your thoughts!

Till Tomorrow...Tom

Monday, September 27, 2010

Send a Letter to Your School Principal

Hi friends,

Today's challenge was to send a letter to the school principal.  Now the important thing to know here is that I don't have a principal anymore.  So what could I do?

I decided to ask the guys in the accountability group I lead on Monday night to write a letter to their principal to encourage and provide ideas for making their school a better place.  One of the ideas was to have an "appreciate janitors week" to thank janitors for all the hard work they do to keep the school clean.    

We took some time tonight at the end of our accountability group to put together a letter to give to their principal.  One of the guys is going to get some more ideas for making his school a better place from his band members at school. 

I'm hoping the principal feels appreciated and loved...I'll let you know next week how it turns out.

Till Tomorrow...Tom

Sunday, September 26, 2010

He's Coming Back

Hi friends,

Today's challenge was to think about the new creation story that is possible in Jesus Christ and read Revelation 21 and reflect on how the Lord will restore things one day. 

As I was reading Revelation 21 verse 3 stuck out to me, "And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, 'Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them.  They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God."  

From the beginning of time this is the way God created us to live.  How beautiful this verse is and the description of God's kingdom that follows.  Check it out when you get a's worth the time to reflect on. 

Till Tomorrow...Tom

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Hi friends,

Today's challenge to live out my faith was to read the creation story in Genesis 1 & 2.  These two chapters are action packed with characteristics about the God we serve.  I read these two chapters twice and here are a few that stood out to me as I read:

  • God is creative (Gen. 1:1)...every time you use your creativity you are using something that originates in God
  • God speaks and things come to life (Gen. 1:3ff).  God longs to speak things into your life too, if you allow him access you your heart.  In this instance God speaks light into darkness.  Is there something dark in your life God could speak light into?
  •  God is a God of order.  God creates things to work together in harmony.  The Hebrew word for this is Shalom meaning peace.  When God brings peace into our lives, He puts things in right order.  
  • God values things he creates as good.  Know in your heart today that God created you and that no matter who says what, God created something good when he created you.  Your value in life doesn't come from what you do, but who's you are.  True value and meaning only come from God.
  • Humanity has a special relationship with God...we are created in His image (Gen. 1:26).  God created you in His are valued...Christ died and rose to new life for are loved by the creator of all things!  Rest in that truth.
  • God rested.  Surely God could have kept going and creating and doing godly things but...God chose to rest.  Are you choosing to rest?  Are you resting one day a week like God planned for your life?  How could that practice restore you? 
I was so encouraged by reading Genesis 1 & 2 today.  I hope you will take time and read it today as well.  God wants to speak to you today through his word.  If you have a minute write a comment about what you found in Genesis 1 & 2 today.

Till Tomorrow...Tom

Friday, September 24, 2010

Give Credo Magazine To Someone

Hi friends,

Today's challenge was to give my Credo magazine to someone I know and ask them to finish some of the pages I haven't.  So...I gave my Credo magazine to Janna today to do a page.  That's about it today...pretty easy.  Let you know more about it tomorrow.

Who could you share your Credo or an idea to live out your faith in Credo with?

Till Tomorrow...Tom

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wash. Rinse. Dry. Fold

Hi friends,

Today's challenge was to do my family's laundry.  I kind of luck out on this one since it's just Janna and I at home.  The above picture is the load that I just got done's mostly my closes though.  Right now I'm still finishing up all the laundry. 

One of my favorite things about washing clothes is how they smell when they are done.  From smelly and stinky to fresh and clean.  Makes me think about how God desires to use us to bring out all the God colors in the world.  The washer makes clothes clean, but God uses us to make people clean. 

God longs to make all of us fresh and new from the stain of our sins.  I hope you will let God wash you clean making you smell fresh to all those you encounter.  

Till Tomorrow...Tom

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Picture of Restoration

Hi friends,

Today's challenge was to take a picture of something that is being restored.  So...this morning was the annual See You At The Pole day at schools across the United States.  I got the privilege to go to Olathe Northwest this morning at 7 a.m.  It was pretty incredible!  By the time I got there over 40 teens had gathered for prayer around the flag pole.  By the time I left over 70 teens from the school were there praying for God to pour out his love, light and spirit!  I was super encouraged by their unity and presence.

So I decided to take a picture of those teens praying around the pole who are restored in Jesus Christ and are praying for restoration in their school.  I wanted to post the picture so you could see it, but I thought I shouldn't since I don't have there permission to post it on the internet.  Just know it was one of the most "restorative" pictures I've ever taken...imagine what it might have looked like.

What is it in your life that you long to be restored?  A relationship?  A job?  Hope?  Health?  Courage?

Till Tomorrow...Tom

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Learn about Martin Luther King, Jr.

Hi friends,

Today's challenge was to learn about the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. and think about my dreams for the world.  Martin Luther King, Jr. was an amazing Christian who led a nation-wide civil rights movement with non-violence.  King was not afraid to speak the truth in love and inspire people to love one another no matter the color of their skin.

I listened to parts of his speeches on You Tube and read a little bit about his biography on the internet.  He spoke with a humble authority that captivated the hearts of his hearers.  I learned he even moved into a poor neighborhood as an adult just to identify with the poor.  I can't imagine this sacrifice since King was part of the middle class. 

Sometimes I wonder if I would be so bold to share God's word to people about the injustices in the world...even if it meant persecution.  King's message ultimately led to his assassination by those who would like to snuff out the word of truth.

Here are some questions for you from the Credo challenge today.  How can you inspire and bring others together with your words and actions?  What is your dream for the world?  It would be great to hear your response to these questions in a comment. 

Jesus taught us to pray, "Father...your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven..."  My dream for the world would be to see God's kingdom values shine above and beyond the values of the world.  I dream of a world where God's grace, love and justice reign over the power of sin in the world.  I dream of a world where all Christians would be united in Christ so strongly and love each other so deeply that the world may know the good news about Jesus Christ.  

Till Tomorrow...Tom

Monday, September 20, 2010


Hi friends,

Today's challenge was to not throw anything in the garbage today.  When I was looking at this challenge a few days ago, I didn't realize just how hard this is to do.  This morning I got a coffee and a bagel.  The coffee came in a paper cup and the bagel came with napkins and a paper bags.  I saved them in my car and plan to put them in my blue recycle bin tomorrow before I leave for the day.  Then at lunch I ate at Chipotle and it came in a paper bag and a paper bowl.  Before I could realize it...I gave my bowl to one of my friends to put in the trash.  Then I came home and started cleaning the house and realized I'd put some things in the trash that may have been recyclable. 

So I guess I failed in not throwing anything away today.  But I do consider the challenge a success for several reasons.  First, I became aware of just how much stuff I through away in the trash everyday.  Second, I did recycle some things today in our blue recycle bin at the house.  Third, I started looking for the recyclable sign on stuff I was going to through away.  If it has the sign, I can put it in the blue bin for the city to take and recycle. 

I'm hoping today will help me be a better steward of the trash that goes out of my house.  Why wouldn't I try to recycle paper and other disposables to save energy, trees and other things I enjoy in the world?  God calls me to be a good steward and caretaker of everything he has blessed me with.  The Credo challenge helped me realize this in a small way today.

What has God blessed you with that you could be a better steward with?

Till Tomorrow...Tom

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Pick Two

Hi friends,

Today's challenge was to pick two of the following and do them:
  • Have a conversation with the oldest person in your neighborhood
  • Plant a flower
  • pay for someone else's lunch
  • pray with someone who is hurting or sick
  • cook a meal with friends
 I first one I did was to pray with someone who was hurting.  Right before evening church tonight a man walked into our church who has had a terrible four weeks.  His wife had a battle with cancer and got addicted to prescription drugs.  Then this weekend a man brought him to Olathe for a couples days worth of construction work and ended up not giving him the work and leaving him with no way home.  So a person from our church and I gave him a ride home and prayed with him. 

I'm praying God will help comfort him during this difficult time in his life.  Please pray for him to as you remember his story.

The second one I did was to plant a bunch of mums on our back patio.  You can check them out in the above picture.  They certainly give the back patio a little color.  The flower reminds me how beautifully God clothes the flowers in the world.  If God clothes them so beautifully even though they are here today and gone tomorrow...I know he'll help provide all we need.  Often times he uses people like you and me to provide for the needs of others since God's blessed us to be a blessing. 

What's the "pick two" on the menu of your relationship with Jesus today? 

Till Tomorrow...Tom

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Thank a Teacher

Hi friends,

So...I'm still looking for the opportunity to help one of my neighbors.  I'll let you know when I get an opportunity to do that.  Please keep praying for an opportunity for me to help a neighbor of mine in a valuable way.  

Today's challenge was to give a thank you note to a teacher I have.  Since I don't go to high school or college any more, I thought I would give a note to my Sunday school teacher at church.  I really appreciate how my Sunday school teacher has a passion to share God's word with others.  I'm encouraged how he tries to bring people together in our class.  Our class as become a caring community. 

Is there a teacher in your life that really has helped you?  Have you ever got to say thank you and tell them how helpful they have been to you?  Take time in the next few days and say a few kind words to a teacher in your life. 

Did you know one of the roles of the Holy Spirit is to be our teacher?  The Holy Spirit longs to teach us about how to become more like Jesus.  What an amazing teacher we all have!

Till Tomorrow...Tom

Friday, September 17, 2010

Do Something Good

Hi friends,

Today's challenge was to do something good in my neighborhood  for someone who will never expect it.  It was hard to pull this off today since it was Friday and a work day for most people.  So...I've decided to try and look for something to do in my neighborhood tomorrow, which is Saturday when most people are home.  Please pray that God will open the way for me to do a random good for someone in my neighborhood tomorrow.

Check back tomorrow to see how it turns out.

Till Tomorrow...Tom 

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Large Box

Hi friends,

Today's challenge to live out my faith was to find a large box and fill it with valuable things that I no longer use.  Then give them away to a person in need.  At first I was trying to figure out what I would put in the box.  Then I decided that I have a lot of clothes that I no longer use.  So...I went to my closet and started going through all my clothes that I don't wear much or at all.  I found some shirts, a suit, a pair of dock shoes, a couple hats and some other clothes.  I gave a KC Chiefs had to my mom.  I gave some of the clothes to my dad who wanted them.  I put the rest of the clothes in a box so I can give them to the Salvation Army or someone who needs them tomorrow. 

Here's my box...

What a great way to be a blessing to others.  As I was going through my clothes, it really reminded me how much the Lord has blessed me with.  This challenge really helped me be a blessing to someone a super tangible way.  Sometimes it's the little ways we are a blessing that God uses in big ways! 

What are you no longer using that you could give to someone who needs it?  Today you could do something small to be a blessing to someone else in a big way.  May the Lord bless you to be a blessing to someone today!

Till Tomorrow...Tom

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fun Family Activity

Hi friends,

Today's challenge was to organize a fun family activity that everyone in my family would enjoy.  Since, today's Wednesday and both Janna and I work all day we couldn't do our fun activity today.  So we are planning to go play racquetball on Saturday at Gold's Gym in Olathe.  In college we both played racquetball together a lot.  It was a fun, free thing to do together at college.  We don't get to play very often, but it is our favorite sport to play together.

When was the last time you planned an activity with your family and spend time playing together?  It's so important and a gift from God!

Till Tomorrow...Tom 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

If I had a million dollars...

Hi friends,

Today's challenge was to think about and sketch out how I would spend a million dollars to do good.  I sketched would be great helping people in the world who don't have clean drinking water.

I sketched would be great helping people in the world who are hungry. 

I sketched a book for would be great to help people around the world learn to read and write who don't have that privilege. 

I sketched would be great to help people who are slaves in the world become free. 

Then after I was done I thought, "how could I use this money to make more money that would keep funding these causes?" 

How would you spend a million dollars to do good?

Till Tomorrow...Tom

Monday, September 13, 2010

Be Restored

Hi Friends,

I can't believe it is day 13 of the Credo challenge already!  The time has just flown by.  So far I'm really benefiting from these small ways to live out my faith.  Through these challenges God's been reminding me of all the little ways he wants to make a difference in the world.  I don't know about you but sometimes....sometimes I just get overwhelmed by making a big difference somewhere.  I think the Lord is reminding me that all the little things make a big difference in the long term big picture.

I would encourage today to make a difference in your world today by doing the little things for Jesus.

Today's challenge was to read and think deeply about Isaiah 58:11-12, "The Lord will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength.  You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring.  Some of you will rebuild the deserted ruins of your cities.  Then you will be know as a rebuilder of walls and a restorer of homes."

It's impossible for me to be a rebuilder of walls and a restorer of homes without being personally restored, refreshed and renewed by the Lord.  How does the Lord want to renew you today?  How does God speak to you through this passage?  I'd love to hear your thoughts in a comment.

Till Tomorrow...Tom

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Hi friends,

Today's challenge was to make copes of the above sign and post it in strategic places in my school or town. being Sunday I thought I would post a few signs around our church.  I posted a sign on my office door, put several in our fellowship room where people eat donuts and drink coffee and finally one on a Sunday school class door. 

I think the saying "Be the change you want to see in the world" is something that the Lord Jesus Christ wants to do in us if we allow Him to work through us.

How would the world around you be different if everyone you knew who followed Jesus became world changers?  How could you change things for good in your part of the world this week?

Till Tomorrow...Tom

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Getting Along

Hi friends,

Today's challenge was to write down 5 people I'm not getting along with and write down ways I'm going to help bring restoration to these relationships.  This was a hard one for me because I really try and get along with everyone.  Honestly, I can't think of anyone I'm not getting along with.

So...I decided to write down people who are experiencing some major brokenness in their life.  It's amazing how much I thought about things I could pray for in their behalf.  So one of the ways I'm going to try and bring restoration to these relationships is to simply...pray. 

I think I underestimate prayer all the time.  Sometimes its the last thing I think about doing in a situation.  But, the truth is God works mightily through prayer and invites us to join His work to bring restoration in the world.  Thank you Lord for the opportunity to be a part of your amazing work!

Till Tomorrow...Tom

Friday, September 10, 2010

Words Bring Restoration and Healing.

Hi friends,

Today's challenge was to write in the above bubble the most encouraging words that someone has said to me recently. might think that this challenge was easy, but honestly it was easier thinking of negative things people have said to me than the encouraging stuff.  Someone has said that it takes 10 encouraging words to cancel out 1 negative thing.  Is that true in your life and experience? 

So...what's the most encouraging words that someone has said to you recently?  How is that give you life and hope when those words hit you?  Who could you encourage with words today?

Till Tommorrow...Tom

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Restoration and Healing

Hi friends,

Today's challenge was to color in the above picture of the world, tear it out, rip it up into pieces and tape it back together.  Then after this experience I wrote thoughts to these questions:

How is this "world" not the same as it was, even though it is back in one piece?  You can see the effects of it being ripped and broken.  The tape I used makes it look shiner in a photo. 

How is our world broken?  There is so much brokenness in our world because of sin.  Broken families, broken marriages...broken friendships...broken governments...broken priorites...broken teens...broken children...broken young adults...broken adults.  Brokenness effects all of us, but it's not God's's ours.

How can it be restored?  The good news is God wants to restore us and make us new!  God's grace and love is stronger than any brokenness that we may find or experience!  Jesus was broken on the cross for the sins of the world.  He raised to new life making a way for us to have new life in Him.  Then he empowers us to be a part of healing the brokenness in our world.  This is true hope!

How might God want to heal your brokenness and empower you to be an agent of healing in the world?

Till Tommorrow...Tom

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Changing the World

Hi friends,

Today's challenge was to learn about Zach Hunter, a 17 year old abolitionist who is working to end child slavery around the world.  His story is inspiring and gives me hope for our new generations rising up to take places of leadership in our world.  Our news and media often report the bad things about teens and save little room for those teens who are following God and making a difference in the world.

I really believe this generation could bring more of God's kingdom on the earth...just like Jesus taught his disciples to pray.  Just like Zach says...all they need is someone to ignite a passion in their hearts and help them be aware of how they can Be the Change.

If you don't know Zach Hunter's story very well check it out at   There is some real cool and inspirational stuff on it.  Also, check out this video entitled "Here and Now" by Zach Hunter .  Great video!  

Praise the Lord that he continues to be faithful to all generations!  May my generation and older generations encourage and empower Zach's generation to be all God desires them to be.

Till Tomorrow...Tom

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Found Art

Hi friends,

Today's challenge was to collect pieces of trash or items people are throwing out and create a piece of art with them.  This was a really neat activity.  I actually got to do this with my teen accountability group yesterday on Labor Day.  We had lunch and then went driving around for trash that we could turn into treasure.

First, we stopped by the Salvation Army to see if we could search through their dumpsters, but that didn't work out.  So we were driving down the road and found a big PVC pipe along side of the road...we loaded it up in the car.  Then we went to a park near the church and found a pretty clean dumpster with a lot of good trash.  As we were driving away from the park we spotted some old wood and misc stuff somebody had put on their curb for trash.  Finally, we stopped by our church to see if there was any old stuff behind the garage that was trash.  All in all we found some good materials to work with.

It was a lot of fun searching the neighborhood for free materials to work with and then thinking about what we could make out of those materials.  It was a fun bonding experience.  First we thought about making a robot...then a space ship...we ended up making this:

It kind of looks like a giant award you would give somebody for a job well done.  Leave a comment and let me know what you think it is?   

Our time together got me thinking about this verse though...Philippians 3:8, "...I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things.  I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ..."  My former life before Christ was like the trash we were picking up and then Jesus Christ came a long taking my trash and giving me the treasure of forgiveness, wholeness and a relationship with God.  

I'm not sure if you would call the thing we created out of trash...treasure or art, but God is able to take our lives filled with all kinds of trash and make beautiful treasure and art...if we give our lives to Him.  I hope you you have a relationship with Jesus Christ.  If not you can.  Please talk to a Christian you know and they will help you.  

Till Tommorrow...Tom

Monday, September 6, 2010

Apology Postcard

Hi friends,

Happy Labor Day...its always a good time to spend a little extra time with your family and friends when you can.'s challenge to live out my faith was to write an apology card to a friend or family member that I need to apologize to.  I chose one of my best friends growing up...Dave Wilson.  Dave and I had lots of fun times in youth group together growing up and he was my best man at Janna and I's wedding.

I chose Dave because I really needed to apologize to him for not keeping our friendship up since I moved to KC in 2003.  Sometimes it is just so hard to keep connected to your friends when you live a long way away.  The challenge today reminded me that I need to remember to say hi to important lifetime friends once in a while.  Also, I think praying for them regularly is a great thing to do.

Who's a friend you could pray for or drop a note to today?

Till Tomorrow...Tom

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Change for change

Hi friends,

Today's challenge to live out my faith was to raise as much money as I could for a good cause.  The goal was to decorate a jar, put stats about the good cause on it and ask people for extra change toward the good cause for a whole day.  

Last night I decided to raise money for Alabaster offering for world missions.  The Alabaster Offering provides funds for property and buildings around the world.  Eighty percent of the money is used in world mission areas, and twenty percent goes to multicultural congregations in the United States and Canada.  Alabaster funds help provide land for most Work and Witness projects.  The entire offering goes toward the construction of churches, schools, medical facilities, and homes for missionaries and national workers.  Learn more about the Alabaster offering at and search Alabaster. 

As I worked on this challenge today I learned a few things.  First, people are willing to give to a good cause if you invite them to.  Second, it is a great way to raise awareness about things God is doing to build his kingdom in the world.  Third, lots of people don't carry around ask for dollars  Fourth you can do a lot of good in one day if you really try.

So you are all wondering I much did I raise?  $19.17.  Doesn't sound like a lot to most of us, but in countries where people make less than a $1 a day it's life changing.  Considering in most third world countries you can provide fresh water for one person for one year for only $1.  In that same country, for $10 dollars you can provide fresh water for one person for a life time.  And if that person has fresh water...they are healthier and are able to work to provide for their families.  Not to mention that God takes our offering and does amazing things with it.  Know that's real change with common everyday money that all of us have. 

A special thanks to everyone who gave me money today for the Alabaster offering!  You're making a difference in the lives of God's creation.

Till Tommorrow...Tom

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Who does good in your community?

Hi friends,
Today's challenge to live out my faith was to talk to someone who does good in my community.  Then ask I was suppose to ask them, "why they do what they do."  So I widened my definition of "community" to include the US, particularly the pacific northwest where, Ted, a good friend of mine lives.  

Ted works at a school that teaches kids in English, Spanish and Russian.  Here is his answer to why he does what he does:

"...ok so I consider my job good for the community. i do it because there is a real need for people to just spend time with kids, helping with basic english skills and math, but also social skills and life lessons... I think that God has called us to serve not just through our involvement in church but in everything, and I think that comes through in my work at school too."

Wow!  I was really moved by his answer.  My prayer is that all Christians would see everything they do as service to God, not just at church, but everywhere they find themselves.  How challenging to us as we go to school, our jobs and live in our neighborhoods.  What if everyday we asked God to empower us to do good in the communities we are a part of?  I wonder how many amazing God things would happen?

Till Tomorrow...Tom. 

Friday, September 3, 2010


Hi friends,

Today's challenge was to write a note telling a friend why you appreciate them.  Then I was suppose to give this note to them.  Appreciation is a lost art form these days.  It's easy to find someone complaining or demanding something from someone.  Like when you are in a restaurant and the service is lacking or when you're waiting in a line a mile long to check out in a store.  The easiest thing to do in those situations is to complain.  The hardest thing...finding something to appreciate someone for.  In a world full of negativity and put downs sometimes the most refreshing, life-giving thing is to appreciate someone...even if it is just for being them.  

So I thought a few minutes about who I would write a note for...then it was obvious.  I needed to write an appreciation note to my best wife Janna.  I appreciate her so much and I'm sure I don't say it enough.  So I wrote down some ways I appreciate her, ripped out the page and gave it to her.

This challenge made me think about who I appreciate and how often I really say it in a note, or in words or in actions.  Who could you appreciate today?

Till Tommorrow...Tom

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Make somthing new..again!

Today's challenge was to draw how I would restore the dull gray house...while thinking about the word restore.  The theme of the September issue of Credo is "restore."  Restoring something is all about making something new again.  As I thought about restoring the above picture, I couldn't help but think about giving the picture some color.  The picture began gray and dull, but adding the color gave it life, newness and freshness.  The freshly colored picture even picked up more light. 

Two scriptures came to mind as I thought about this challenge:
  •  Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! (NIV)
  • Matthew 5:14  "Here's another way to put it: You're here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We're going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don't think I'm going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I'm putting you on a light stand. Now that I've put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you'll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven."  (The Message)
It is so amazing to me that the Lord Jesus Christ makes us a new creation.  As a new creation we are light that brings out all the God-colors in the world.  It's like God takes the dull, gray picture destroyed by sin and paints beauty back into our lives.  Beauty like love, joy, peace, patience, grace...etc.  Then Jesus empowers us to be a part of his work in the world.  We get to splash on new color where things have faded and become dull.  That's incredible!  Wow!

Here are the answers to the rest of today's challenge questions:

When you hear the word RESTORE, what words come to mind?  paint, new, fresh, hopeful, whole, come together

Find TWO definitions online for RESTORE and write them here: 
"to bring back into existence or use" ---- "to give something that has been lost, taken, or stolen back to the person it belongs to" -MacMillan Dictionary (online)

Write your own definition for RESTORE: "to renew something that was formally in a state of brokenness or disrepair"

Till Tomorrow...Tom  

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Who are you?

I'm beginning this blog because I've decided to take the 30 day Credo challenge.  Credo is a monthly interactive student journal put out by Barefoot Ministries.  Check them out at  Every day there is a creative way to live out your faith for Jesus Christ.  So the plan is to take the challenge and write about my experience each day. 

I'm excited to see how this will help me grow in my relationship with the Lord and hopefully inspire others to take the challenge too.  It will also be neat to look back at this exciting adventure at the end of the month.

So with that is September 1st 2010.  Today's challenge is pretty simple.  It's entitled "Who are You?" and is basically a space to write down some answers to a few get to know you questions.  Below are the answers to the questions I wrote:

Write (just) your middle name here:  Michael

What is your favorite thing to do?  play guitar

What food do you never get tired of eating?  Sara Lee turkey from Walmart deli 

Who are your best friends?  Write their initials.  JC & TC

What will you be doing in 5 years?  Raising a family with Janna my wife.

How would you like to change the world?  I'd like to change the world by sharing Jesus with everyone in our Westside Church community.  I'd also like to see an end to child slavery and people dying from starvation.  I'd like to see everyone in the world have clean drinking water.  Do you ever try to picture what the world would be like if everyone in the world had food to eat and clean water to drink?  "Lord your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven."

Well...that's it for today.  I know, I know pretty easy challenge so far...they get harder and more challenging as the month goes along. 

Till tommorrow...Tom.